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Prof. Xinwei Han
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Xinwei Han, supervisor of a Ph.D. student, chief physician
Professor Xinwei Han, Medicine Doctor (Ph.D.-medicine), Chief scientist of the National 863 Project, is the head of the Department of Interventional Radiology, Director of Research Institute of interventional therapy, President of the International Federation of venous society of China.
Professor Xinwei Han has been engaged in interventional therapy for more than 30 years, and had published more than 500 research papers at home and abroad, including more than 100 SCI articles. He was a editor in chief of 9 books and won the first prize of the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress once, the two prize of 4 times, the three prize of 6 times. He has more than 40 national patents. In 2015, Professor Xinwei Han led the team to declare the subject of "clinical research and development of biocompatible stents" supported by the national high technology research and development program of China. A series of stents invented by Professor Xinwei Han be called "Han’s stent", and obtained the registered trademark of the national Industrial and Commercial Bureau, it is the first interventional instrument in China to be named after the inventor. Professor Xinwei Han is committed to the development of interventional medicine, and has made great contributions to the development and popularization of interventional medicine in China. At the same time, he also contributed to even the world of interventional medicine.

Academician Zhonghao Wang
Professor Wang Zhonghao, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the founders of modern vascular surgery in China, vice chairman of the international vascular Academy, International Federation of vascular Consultant, Associate editor of International Journal of vascular, The editorial board of International Journal of vascular surgery, Founding chairman of International Association of Budd-Chiari syndrome, Distinguished member of the American Society of vascular surgery, Honorary member of the India society of vascular surgery.
Academician Zhonghao Wang , due to the diagnosis and treatment in Budd Chiari syndrome, arteritis, carotid body tumor and other diseases, as well as endovascular minimally invasive treatment of the pioneering achievements, all-round improve the overall academic level of vascular surgery in China, promote the Chinese vascular surgery toddler into the advanced ranks in the world.
Academician Zhonghao Wang published a total of more than and 400 papers, published 12 books and participated in the preparation of 68 books. He won the International Vascular Institute, International vascular Union, International Association of Budd-Chiari syndrome and president of India awarded the research achievement award, Legion of Merit, Lifetime Achievement Award, the development of vascular surgery career award and the Asian Institute of vascular achievement award, respectively. He won two national science and Technology Progress Award and 12 ministerial level scientific and technological progress awards, he also won a total of 12 national patents. In 2005, he won the "golden pen award" published the 90 anniversary of the"Chinese Medical Journal" . In 2007, he won the first “Jieping Wu prize in medicine".

Shaofeng Shui, Chief Physician
He is an associate professor and chief physician, graduated from Zhengzhou University, has long been engaged in the interventional treatment of neurological diseases and postoperative medical treatment and he has a deep insight into the interventional treatment of nervous system diseases through clinical and scientific research. He participated in 4 monographs, published more than 20 professional papers. At the same time, he also served as a member of the Interventional therapy Specialized Committee in Henan province.

Jianzhuang Ren, Chief Physician

He is a doctor of medicine and Professor, graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. From 1994, he began to engage in interventional treatment work. He took part in and undertake a National Natural Science Foundation of China, respectively. He also participated in a national high technology research and development program of China. He published more than 20 research papers, and participated in 2 monographs.

Gang Wu, associate chief physician
He is associate professor and associate director of the department. He graduated from Zhengzhou University. He is a member of the Standing Committee on interventional therapy for cancer of China and he is a member of the minimally invasive cancer treatment branch, the agency is part of the minimally invasive treatment of cancer Specialized Committee. He is also a associate director and secretary of the Cancer Interventional therapy Specialized Committee of Henan province, China. He is a director of the Younger Committee in the field of Interventional therapy of Henan province, China. He is also a member of the anti-cancer association of Henan province, China.

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