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Prof. Xinwei Han
scholarship acceptance letter
scholarship acceptance letter

XX Department,
Faculty of medicine,      
XX University.

May 2, 2017
Supervision of visiting PhD student XX,
Zhengzhou University is the best one in Henan Provice of China, and there are hundreds of foreign students in our university. The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University is the largest one in China, both clinical studies and animal studies are ascendant, especially in our department. So you also can finish your study and achieve doctor's degree in our university once you are under my supervision. I am pleased to inform you that your scholarship will be provided from our university to learn your project. You will learn interventional radiology in our Interventional Department.
The living cost of Zhengzhou city is relatively low in China, with a mean cost of 400-600 US dollars per month for each postgraduate student, and the postdoctoral salary is about 1500 to 2000 US dollars per month in our department, your scholarship can cover these costs. By the way, research award is impressive both in our department and our hospital, you will take 3000 US dollars per Impact Factor for each accepted paper. I look forward to your joining.


Xinwei Han, MD, PhD.
Professor of Department of Interventional Radiology,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,
No.1, East Jian She Road, Zhengzhou 450052, China.
Tel.: +86 0371 6686 2162;
Fax: +86 0371 6686 2162.
E-mail: hanxinwei2006@163.com;

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